
Poetry by Ginger Ko
“each time you carried in you something larger than yourself
stepped out a daughter
mother, mother’s mother
mothers never mute but rivalrous
a creature with its own warmth
why did you do it/let it happen
what did you hope would happen to me”
Cover art by Seonna Hong
“Inherit is a really striking collection, constructed out of an emotionally-packed lyric on family, culture, gender imbalance and history.” —rob mclennan
Inherit reviewed by rob mclennan
Ginger Ko is the author of Motherlover (Bloof Books) and the chapbooks Comorbid (Lark Books) and the forthcoming Biography of My Automaton (Bloof Books). Ginger is a Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia’s creative writing program, where she teaches writing and Women’s Studies. She is a contributing editor for The Wanderer and an editor at smoking glue gun. You can find her online at