About Sidebrow
Sidebrow is an independent, nonprofit literary press dedicated to publishing innovative fiction, poetry, prose, and collaborative, experimental, and hybrid forms.
Based in Portland and San Francisco, Sidebrow seeks work that finds form and urgency through the process of its writing. Our aesthetic is an ongoing evolution evidenced by the books we produce.
Sidebrow publications are available through Small Press Distribution and Amazon.
For periodic email updates about books, events, and calls for submissions, sign up for the Sidebrow mailing list.
Sidebrow is currently closed for submissions. Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of our next reading period.
sidebrow (at) sidebrow.net
P.O. Box 86921
Portland, OR 97286-0921
Fiscal Sponsor & Donations

Sidebrow is a member of the Intersection Incubator, a program of Intersection for the Arts providing fiscal sponsorship, networking, and consulting for artists. Intersection is San Francisco’s oldest alternative arts space, presenting groundbreaking works in the literary, performing, visual, and interdisciplinary arts. Through Intersection, Sidebrow receives 501(c)(3) status, making all donations to Sidebrow tax-deductible.
Sidebrow initially launched online in 2005 to provide a forum for exploring the collective and the singular in the literary arts. Expanding on the traditional publishing model, Sidebrow used the Internet as a tool for presenting projects as they evolved, encouraging contributions from established and emerging writers, poets, and artists that explored established themes and responded creatively to components already included on the Sidebrow website.
Through this open-ended, collaborative approach to publishing, Sidebrow’s inaugural anthology, a multi-threaded narrative featuring the work of 65 writers of innovative poetry and prose, provided a snapshot of the myriad possibilities evolving on the website, as well as an invitation to participate in that evolution by way of creative response. Two multi-author, project-focused chapbooks, City and White Horse, followed from that effort.
Sidebrow has since suspended its collaborative web project work in favor of publishing stand-alone single-author and collaborative books.